Friday, April 3, 2020

How do you perceive, perception?

Okay freethinkers, time to think freely.

Are you equal to me? 
Of course not.

Am I equal to you? 
Of course not again.

To me, something must be identical to be equal. Keep this in mind for the rest of the discussion.

Also, another concept to consider is the context of what is being thought about.

When I spoke to someone, they told me that the answer to almost every question is, "it depends". 

This is our first lesson in perception.

Are you male or female?
Well, according to some of you, neither. 
Some of you tell me you are women. But to me, they are the same. 

If you have before you, a female, and a woman, are the two different??

If you respond that they are in fact different, then perhaps you can enlighten me on what exactly is different between the two.
The same anatomy thus the same body parts. 
So there is, in fact, NO difference.

A male, man, dude, guy, gentlemen, is all the same.
So no matter what you call me, I know I am a man.
Again, perception.

How about...  
...2 gallons of water? 

or not?

Really think about this before looking below at my stance on this.

If one of these is ocean water and the other is tap water, then they can't be equal, right?

Remember, I mentioned context?

It really depends on the purpose of the water.
If they're going to be used to put out a fire, they are definitely the same.
but drinking them, they are far different!

Is 4 =4?

At first glance, yes. 
However, if I say 4 cars are equal to 4 trucks then, no.

You also can't say that all men are equal either, because some have college degrees and some don't, some are well to do, others are not.
Our bodies may be equal, but still not identical in shapes and sizes.

Then you may ask if women are equal to men.
If a woman is not equal to a man, then men aren't equal to women, right?
It's not insulting to either sex, it's just that they aren't equal.

Can they BOTH have babies?
Do they BOTH have sperm?
How about the same hormones and the same amount of them?
The list goes on and on, how we are not equal.

Would you agree?
Unless you can answer YES to BOTH questions, then we are NOT equal.
However, if you are asking about their equality from a different context, then you could look at them as equal for that particular purpose.

The old expression is comparing apples to oranges.
The same?

Well yes, they are both edible fruits and grow on trees, otherwise; they are not the same, are they?
Even apples are not the same when you consider size, weight, color, shape, or many other categories.

Depending on how far you want to go, you could even say that they are different just because they are not in the same place or have different atoms, but that is too far beyond the scope of this writing.

I prefer to say comparing a car to swiss cheese since these are not the same at all.

Just some food for thought to spur an excellent discussion about your perception.

Do you feel that my thoughts have more to do with semantics or logic?

Obviously, there are no correct or incorrect answers to the questions, but I am very interested to find out if anyone has the same point of view as me.

Saturday, March 21, 2020


How long will it take for humanity to crumble?

Unfortunately, if we stay on our present course, I feel it could be sooner rather than later.

If this happens, we will all definitely perish and crumble to mass extinction! 
We must tap into all of our inner strength to avoid this at all costs. 
We all have differences to deal with, but.... 

....why can't we all work together to help all of society together as a whole?

The fundamental reason for man to crumble is that we are all out for ourselves only. 

Instead of thinking like bees or ants, with our animalistic instincts, and working together for a common cause, we instead think with our own selfish needs and fend for ourselves, instead of society as a whole. That's a dam shame!

Do you know the difference between fighting off one bee as opposed to a whole swarm?
There is safety in numbers when an entity works together as a single cohesive unit. We all can triumph over this antagonist, the coronavirus, by working together. 

But is it human nature to sacrifice ourselves to save all of humanity?
NOT a chance!

When your neighbor and others were hoarding toilet paper, did they offer you any?

Or have you offered anything of yours?

Then my statement is absolutely correct, without a doubt. 

If you offered your goods, then I thank you. For you are the rare exception that is humane to others, not the majority at all.

What concerns me even more, is what Trumpovich is going to do with his unilateral unchallenged power, since he is above the law as a potentate. 

Is this adversary, a microscopic life form smaller than bacteria, really the true antagonist?

My question is, was this a man-made biological agent used to control the population or a legitimate virus that is crumbling our society?

Or is it just a fabricated plandemic?

It is very interesting to note that all this is happening during an election year, thoughts? 

I'm sure our buffoon POTUS will somehow use this for his reelection, perhaps acting as a savior of some type. 

My query is this...

..Is there any way in this world that we all can unite in peace & harmony and try looking out for our fellow humans, instead of only worrying about our greedy selfish selves and constantly working against each other?

No, it is not possible, because there are way too many greedy evil ones down here in this world, and they want all their money, power, and greed to themselves.

If we all worried more about us all together, then society would stand a chance, instead of crumbling.

But we NEVER will!!

It is my intention to deliver a powerful, thought-provoking message. 

Is it getting through? 

Are you going to listen?... 

...or ignore my plea for uniting?

I hope you will add comments to express your thoughts, feelings & viewpoints about this very frightening rival to all of us. 

You are more than welcome to say what you feel, as I have great respect for those that can do just that. 

We are all entitled to our opinions; I am just curious what yours are.

Do you really want this to happen to us all?

Just wait!!!

It's coming!!!